71 year old woman from Mullaitivu, secures Two Gold Medals in Philippines Athletics Tournament

Wednesday, 22 November 2023 - 9:56

In an extraordinary feat, a 71-year-old woman from Mullaitivu District, Sri Lanka, has clinched two gold medals and one bronze medal in the Senior Athletics Tournament held in the Philippines. The remarkable athlete, Akila Thirunayaki, showcased her prowess by excelling in various track and field events.

Competing in the tournament on behalf of Sri Lanka, Thirunayaki secured gold medals in the 1500 and 500 meters events, displaying exceptional speed and endurance. Additionally, she earned a bronze medal in the 800 meters category. Notably, Thirunayaki also achieved an impressive fourth-place finish in the 400 meters race.

Despite being 71 years old, Thirunayaki's dedication and athletic achievements have garnered admiration, especially considering the challenging nature of senior-level competitions. Remarkably, the retiree, who previously served as a prison officer, has proven that age is no barrier to success in the world of athletics. Her inspiring performance serves as a testament to the power of determination and passion for sports.

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