Sri Lankan Prodigy Yenuli Binara Clinches Prestigious MTM Young Achievers Award in the UK

Wednesday, 29 November 2023 - 12:06

In a remarkable feat, Sri Lanka's Yenuli Binara secured the coveted MTM Young Achievers Award 2023 at the 11th "MTM Young Achievers" and "MTM Music & Entertainment" awards ceremony held in Bristol, United Kingdom. Notably, Yenuli Binara, at the age of 14, is the youngest recipient to achieve this prestigious honour.

Competing against a diverse array of contestants from around the globe, Yenuli Binara emerged triumphant, showcasing exceptional talent and earning recognition on an international stage. Her achievement is not only a personal milestone but also a source of pride for Sri Lanka.

Furthermore, Yenuli Binara has etched her name in history by becoming the world's youngest youth ambassador for the Hundred International Organization, adding another layer of distinction to her burgeoning accolades. The nation celebrates her success and looks forward to witnessing the continued ascent of this young trailblazer.

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